
The Essential Guide to Medical & Video News

Volume 1, Number 3 July-August 2024

By Dr. James Rybacki

Thinking back to July 4th. Freedom and this great country of ours. You and your family may not have thought about this, but you have the freedom to choose better health. My family growing up wasn’t so smart about this and didn’t have the evidence-based medicines that we have now. In this bold new Fuster Future of Cardiometabolic health, I think you’ll find that new medicines (like inclisiran) may be recommended sooner for patients at risk of heart and blood vessel problems.

You deserve to know more about the ASCO meeting from June because some of the news was UNPRECEDENTED in tough cancers! The longest Progression FREE Survival in lung cancer was reported!

Stunningly good, off the charts and groundbreaking are phrases that you rarely hear relative to Progression Free Survival (PFS) in cancer of the lung. This non-small cell lung cancer study called the CROWN study gave patients 60 percent PFS !!!

In July where possible, we should turn our thoughts to three important Health recognitions.

Healthy Vision Month, UV safety month and International Self-care day. Let’s take a closer look because the science, understanding and treatments are getting better. Take a breath and dive in.

July is Healthy Vision Month. Can we do better? Of course we can. Have you had your yearly vision test (more often may be needed if you are living with diabetes or a chronic eye problem?

There’s an org for this, like other health recognition months:

Healthy Vision Month 2024: Reframe Your Future

UV safety month

I tend to think of the sun as activating Vitamin D and as a good thing. My understanding changed recently. I had something appear, then gradually grow where my side burns are. Seemed inconsequential. It wasn’t. The scientific name almost sounds silly. What on earth is a squamous cell? This is actually a common kind of cancer and thank God, it tends to grow slowly. This kind of skin cancer comes from excessive exposure to UV light from sun or even from tanning beds or both. IF you or a family member or friend have this kind of growing problem. SEE a Dermatologist right away. You can find out more about this kind of skin cancer at: AAD - It’s UV Awareness Month

International Self Care day is July 22nd. Did you take care of yourself today? You can read more at: International Self-Care Day

I think we all can do better at this. Self-care means a regular effort where communities, families and you and me maintain health, avoid disease and actively protect ourselves and loved ones from illness.

Key July Conference News you can use

We need to continue to talk about the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) meeting

Important news will be coming out of this conference and it may impact the way that your doctors work within their groups

Doctors working in large groups will congregate in TN in the Summer Large Group Council Executive Summit

This is an invitation only event at the Hutton Hotel in Nashville, but I expect that important news will be coming out of this conference and it may impact the way that your doctors work within their groups. More to follow as usual!

Newsletters I read and subscribe to

We just achieved our 1,000th subscriber to The Essential Guide to Medical and Video News (EGMVN)!

Important news will be coming out of this conference and it may impact the way that your doctors work within their groups

Innovation. Where is it, how is it generated? Is there an organized, structured approach? I’ve met someone who is asking the questions, seeding the Centers of Excellence and has even woven science into her newsletter. Her name is Kasia Hein-Peters, MD and I think she is someone with a lot to say!

Subscribe to her Monthly newsletter, Academy for SciencePreneures where she helps you “Discover How Life Science Entrepreneurs Innovate, Scale Up and Create the Future:

Linkedin - Academy for SciencePreneurs.

Please let me know what you think and I will forward constructive feedback to her.

As always, you can head to our growing and usual web site or take a look on my YouTube channel for our viewers video guide for updates on breaking conference coverage news or additional articles and an email list or two—you might even get a free video if you join one of our lists (only an email or at most 2 a month with updates you might like).

New Videos for you and maybe your friends:

Can you prevent accidental poisonings in your home? Do you know the number for the Poison Control Center?

We pulled together a lot of valuable information for you. It’s surprising how many drugs actually look like candy. Kids simply don’t know the difference. We’ve made this video our 99 cent special for July because it’s that important! Click below to watch the trailer or rent the full video

Preventing Accidental Poisoning in Your Home

Are you on a cholesterol journey like me? Have you wondered about those numbers and how to get them lower? It’s about risk of heart attack, stroke and even peripheral artery disease (PAD) and you can take control of it. We’ve gotten a lot of questions so we did a video on this. It’s a .99 cent special for July and you can watch a trailer!

My Cholesterol Journey and Maybe Yours

Concerned about your heart? I was very lucky to have a film crew at The American College of Cardiology this year (ACC24) and we got some great colleagues to come on camera with me. I decided to bundle more than an hour of videos for June and give you a special rental price! We even included a behind the scenes at ACC24 so you know what it is like to be at a major heart conference!

Heart (Cardiology) Conference Bundle

If you decide to visit our videos or our site, please let us know if you would like to see additional programs. There is a Contact us form on and we love to hear constructive input! Thanks again to everyone who has already reached out.

A Scientist and innovator you should know:

There are moments in time when paths inexplicably cross. I happened to go to a blended cardiovascular and nutrition conference. He was in the middle of a large booth in the exhibit hall. It was Dr. Nathan Bryan, signing autographs for his book, Functional Nitric Oxide Nutrition, Dietary Strategies to Prevent and Treat Chronic Disease. Nathan turned out to be just one of those brilliant people you want to know more about. I was lucky to interview him in one of our Essential Guide to Medical News, Meet the Scientist segments several months after the conference where I first met him.

Dr Nathan Bryan

Meet the Scientist: Dr. Nathan S. Bryan

Meet the Scientist: Dr. Nathan S. Bryan

The link above will take you to our Videos on demand section where you can watch the Dr. Nathan trailer, read the description, see more Videos about Dr. Bryan and even rent or buy the video itself!

Until then:

Time inexorably moves on, but true breakthrough treatments are on the way! Take every opportunity to build a healthier future for yourself and your family and control the risk factors that you can as often as you can. Please take even better care of yourselves…

Please remember that this Newsletter represents news and information and is NOT medical advice or a recommendation on any medicine or treatment. No claim is made that all possible actions or effects of any medicine are included in this newsletter. Although diligent care has been taken to help ensure that the information in this edition is accurate, the continued accuracy and currentness are ever subject to change. Copyright The Medicine Information Institute July 2024

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